It can be very exciting preparing for a family photography session, but it can also feel overwhelming when it comes to getting your children ready. Here are a few tips to help make the process a little easier and to ensure that your family photos turn out beautifully.
1. Plan ahead.
Give yourself plenty of time to prepare for the photography session. Make sure that everyone in the family knows when the session will take place, what they will be wearing, and that it will be a lot of fun sharing a new experience together. Let me know if you have any special requests or if your child has any special needs.
2. Choose the right clothing.
Select clothing that you feel confident and comfortable in. The most important aspect is fit: your outfit should fit well through your whole body from top to bottom. Avoid clothes with bright colours, bold patterns, graphic designs or distracting logos. Complementary colours and styles can help create a cohesive look. Don’t forget about a pair of clean and stylish shoes! Don’t worry: I can help you with final styling decisions on what to wear.
3. Set children up for success.
A well-rested and well-fed child is more likely to be in a good mood and cooperate during the photography session. Children have great imaginations and excel at playing, so it’s fine to let them have fun and explore. So smile at them and interact with them! A positive, playful attitude is contagious.
4. Bring snacks.
Handling and eating something familiar can feel very comforting. Choose snacks that aren’t too messy, so they don’t get too many crumbs on their face, things stuck in their teeth, or accidentally stain their clothes. A quick snack or water break is helpful for everyone!
5. Be prepared for the unexpected.
Children are unpredictable and things may not always go as planned. Be prepared to be flexible and adapt to anything that might arise. Sometimes the most candid and authentic moments make for the best photos. Think positively: an unplanned situation could become a sweet and memorable surprise!
By following these tips, you can help ensure that your family photography session is a positive and enjoyable experience for everyone involved. And most importantly, you will have beautiful family photos that will be treasured for years to come. If you have any other questions, don’t forget that I’m here to help!

Markham Family Studio Photographer
Photographer: Christopher Luk: Toronto Wedding, Family & Event Photographer
Photography Studio Location: Sunday Sunday Photography Studio in Markham, Ontario
SEE MORE: Christopher Luk Photography Weddings
SEE MORE: Christopher Luk Photography Events